Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Divorce Roller coaster!

So, after my husband lost his 8th job in the past 7 years, continued to struggle with alcohol and pot, was consistently a mean/nasty jerk to me in front of my son, I decided to call it quits and filed for divorce after a 4.5 year marriage.  It was difficult, but fortunately I'm very self sufficient and am just hoping and praying I don't end up having to give him half my retirement money and alimony on top of that.  His lack of income isn't because of his inability to earn, it's because of his laziness and sense of entitlement.

Anyhoo, through my attorney I requested that he move out of our home to alleviate the tension and stress while we were going through this process.  He fully intended to stay living under the same roof until we sold our home.  NOT GOOD!  Since the house and all related bills/mortgage is in my name only, it made sense for me stay and for him to leave, but he procrastinated.  Finally, the issue got forced a little and I was prepared to file for exclusive use of the home which was enough for his attorney to advise that he leave of his own will.  Fast forward to "Moving Out Day".  It was unsettling to have him moving his furniture and stuff out, but it was also a huge relief to have him gone.  The weight lifted off me like a 2 ton truck!  For my Ex, however, it was a reality jolt that took him sideways.

He came back to the home mid day to take Little One's crib (I had to put together a new crib that would stay in the home) and my husband was crying saying he get's why I'm doing this, and that his father (who passed away 9 years ago) would be ashamed of him.  Three days later, when he was ready to have Little One overnight for the first time in his new apartment, I came over to check the place out and Husband asked me to stay for dinner.  Over dinner he then proceeded to plead his case, saying he's had an epiphany.
He was going to sober up for a while, he knows he treated me very poorly, trying to get a new job, he would even go to counseling again because he didn't really try very hard when we went... etc, etc. etc.
My response was, that's great, I hope you do all of those things, but I don't think you should do them with any expectations from me.   His last words on this topic was that he was just going to have to show me.  It was such a broken record!  I can recall at least 3 come to Jesus moments I've had with him where I've outlined these issues as being serious and damaging to the relationship and than I will not tolerate them.  At each instance, he's said these things before and said he would change, numerous times with no success, and I'm done. Period.  There is nothing he can show me between now and the final court date that will stop me from following through.

4 days after that, our temporary custody order is in place... he's a little unhappy with his inability to sell assets because we haven't figured out the assets settlement end of things yet...and a handful of other small items come up that require us to make decisions together.  I'm seriously noticing that he's not made any changes to how he treats me, he's still being a defiant jerk just for the sake of being difficult.  Doesn't seem like his epiphany had any staying power...

I just can't wait for the final court date to arrive and be done with this mess.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Only what you can handle

Somehow the world/universe, this thing called life knows exactly how much you can handle and ensures you bump up against that threshold at least once.  Arguably, I am experiencing one of the most challenging periods of my life right now.   It is a time where there is so much positive and so much negative happening all at the same time.

The positive?  
I have a beautiful and amazing 16 month old son who is the blood that runs through my body.  He is a part of me; I relish his every breath, smile, laugh and also anguish over his pains, frustrations and tears.  

The negative? 
I'm going through a very difficult divorce with little to no support.

If I'm not careful and allow it, I could find myself missing the most memorable of moments with my son because I get too focused on the negatives.  Everyday my son does at least one or two new things.  He learns so fast and is not afraid to try anything!  Feeling down and dealing with hurt and resentment are emotions that I do have to go through and process in order to move on and heal, but you better believe it wont be while Owen is awake!

My mother has always been a religious person, but I wasn't aware of just how much until after she and my father divorced after 38 years of marriage.  Although as a family until I was in 8th grade we all went to catholic church every sunday and said the lords prayer before dinner; to me, it seemed more like we were just going through the motions.  I didn't feel like religion was an integral part of our life, at least not my life anyway.  But alas, once my mother was on her own, she felt free to practice and be as vocal as she wanted about her faith.  And now given what's going on in my life, I can appreciate that.  

God must be bumping me up against my threshold right now because I need his help.  My company recently hired a new Vice President who sensed I was going through a difficult time and has been a great source of advice.  I am thankful for him being brought into my life just 5 months ago.  The timing cannot be a coincidence.   Here is the advice I have to keep reminding myself to take when I'm feeling overwhelmed and especially when I see my own negativity keeping me from enjoying the amazing positivity right in front of me.  

I hope you find the following helpful.

  • respond vs. react – you can't control others behaviors if you can't control your own
  • We sometimes have to live in a situation but the situation doesn't have live in us
  • Focus on your circle of influence (things you control) and not your circle of concern (things you can't control)
  • Don't ruminate on the negative actions or behaviors of others – if you catch yourself ruminating change the channel
  • Focus your thoughts on a positive future state which you can envision with optimistic conviction – do not allow the logical part of your mind to worry about "the how" just stay optimistically focused on "the what" and let a higher life force than your own take charge of "the how"

Thursday, March 1, 2012

No place to go but up

This post was originally written on 2/6/12.

Throughout my relationship with my husband, I acknowledged there were deficiencies in some very important areas.  I consciously accepted them with the understanding where he lacked, I excelled and assumed there would be areas where he could reciprocate balancing things out.  He did make me feel special.  There were always little notes in my purse, briefcase, and pockets with messages of love which made me smile.  He was a gentleman and I told myself it was ok that he didn't contribute financially to our household, as long as I was happy, I didn't care that much.  But over time as we lived together, then got married, I kept waiting for him to step up and take more responsibility for his part in our life together in the here and now as well as in our future.  I began to feel the strain of being responsible for both of our futures and was being met with annoyance and anger every time I wanted to discuss our finances.

I urged and encouraged him to get more predictable work, even inside jobs so he wasn't so exhausted all the time, falling asleep on the couch at 8 pm and staying there until 3 or 4 am, sometimes he came to bed just before my alarm clock would go off at 6.  His response at every prompt was, "I'm trying".  2 years ago I introduced the concept of insanity; doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.  I kept telling him he needs to try something else, because whatever it is that he's trying.. isn't working. Impact?  None. Night after night, I watched my marriage slowly become less and less fulfilling.  Even with gentle prompting for change, this must have gone on for 4 years or more.  Every year there was a new opportunity where I was saying to myself,  "This is it! Things are finally going to work out."  But alas, typically 3 months in, 6 at the most, he quits his steady jobs citing an "it's not me it's them" tune.  Then it's another 6 months of sitting on the couch before I get frustrated enough to light a fire under him to start working again.  It should be noted as well, that during all of these little battles about working, even when there money being earned by him whether through an employer or odd jobs, those funds never made it to paying a household bill.  I was even buying his clothes.  His motto: "Your money is our money and my money is my money".   What he earned he spent on alcohol, dining out - often without me (because I worked everyday) pot and frivolous impulse buys that caught his eye while strolling down isles or on craig's list.

For those of you who know my husband, feel the need to take sides - specifically his, and may be following this blog, I will offer you this; I acknowledge the work he put into the home and realize I saved a lot of money in labor costs, but in no way am I impressed, given he was unemployed the whole time he worked on the house.  And no one seems to take into consideration that I was there right next to him on the weekends or week day evenings with a paint brush, a hammer, nail gun, or caulk.  It never should have taken 3 years to complete.  And it still isn't finished!  Every room I look in I see something he half-assed, because he was rip roaring drunk while he was working on it.  Every really wonder how/why he fell off that ladder on the forth of july weekend?  Yep, stinking drunk!
So, when I see my husband using the tools I bought him on the materials I purchased with money I had saved after I bought the house with a far less than professional outcome, I don't feel like there's much credit to be given.  Had I hired a contractor, there would be some accountability for doing it right and 100%.  I had finally gotten him to agree to hire a contractor because he decided he was done doing anything else with the house and there were odds and ends of leftover work to be done in every room.  We gave him a walk through of the place and he surprised the heck out of me by saying he doesn't normally see such cheap material being used, even in HUD homes.  Not sure exactly what that means, but my sense is there is often lower quality material used to keep the home prices affordable.  Again, please note that after 4 days of the contractor working on finishing things up, Husband let him go and decided he would finish on his own.  Any sporting wagers out there on whether or not he finished them?  Come on... I dare you.

So anyway, I realized around the middle of this year, despite how much I try to set expectations and personal boundaries in my marriage, I am absolutely horrible at honoring them and following through with consequences.  I've always listened and acquiesced to the excuses and felt maybe I hadn't been clear enough or didn't express just how important my needs are.  Not only have things kept cycling over and over in this manner, leaving me feeling more and more resentful over his seeming lack of empathy for my feelings and pursuit of my goals, he also flipped a switch somewhere along the way where anger and rage have become a large part of who he is to those he's comfortable around.  At first it was displayed as road rage or to others who did "stupid things".  About 2 and a half years ago, the anger and rage turned on me.  I've had to endure his verbal abuse  since I'd estimate, middle of 2009.  It was sporadic at first and usually came out when I requested his help around the house, wanted to talk about money or work or our future.   I became ultra sensitive to the way in which I worded things at his request, to not set him off.  I felt like if I could word this in the right way, he wont be so defensive and get upset.  I played this game for about a year.  There was no correct way to say things.  It didn't matter, even when I said things the way he requested I should.  The next time he got upset, he just recommended a different way for me to say it, sometimes he would lap his own suggestions and what didn't work before, should work now.. etc.  Everyday I walked on eggshells.  I had to evaluate how important it was to me to bring something up at the risk of being yelled at.  Eventually, I became known as the controlling bitch.  Then when I got pregnant, I was a crazy hormonal bitch.

After I had our son, I had one more glimmer that he would step up to the plate and feel responsible for providing for his family, but those hopes were quickly thwarted after watching him piss away a significant cash settlement on 4 cars, a motorcycle, two new wardrobes for 2 different job pursuits that have since fallen through, lavish gifts to friends and family (none of which was for our son) and more pot then I've ever seen him consume before. Once the fall came around, I decided I was going to ensure I stopped this vicious cycle that always left me feeling unimportant and incredibly unappreciated by documenting exactly what my needs and expectations were.  I asked for some time where we could have a talk and I started by saying, I've written down things I need in order to stay in this relationship.  I want you to think about each of these and determine whether or not you feel like these are things you want to do because if the only reason you do them is to try to keep me happy, then they will not be sustainable.  You need to want to do these things because you believe they should be done.

  1. Keep a full time job
    1. No quitting without having a new start date in writing
    2. No "getting fired"
  2. Be responsible for the family health insurance
  3. Have household bills in your name and pay them
  4. No Pot - NONE
  5. no more than 4 drinks on any given night of the week, save 1
  6. Learn to speak to each other calmly - even when we disagree
  7. Continue therapy
To these things after a few days of consideration, he agreed saying he was 43 years old and should be doing this stuff by now.

Well, by the end of the year, he had pretty much failed on all of these with the exception of #3, and I can't be certain he's doing this either, but no utilities have been shut off yet, so I'll call that a pass for now.  The definitive moment however was failing #2.  When he told me he quit his stable job that he agreed to get the family insurance through (that I let go of through my employer per our agreement) because he was concerned about his integrity, that was the straw the broke the camels back.  I cannot be a with a man who is more concerned about his own "integrity" as it relates to how his employer does business, than being concerned about health care and income for his family.  It's at minimum, irresponsible, but more appropriately, reckless and selfish.

Here I am, after the holidays, waiting for my appointment with my attorney to discuss the temporary order we are planning to put in place on Friday.  I'm pretty certain my husband does not yet have an attorney despite being served 3 weeks ago.  This should be a very interested next 6 months.  But I keep telling myself, I have no where else to go but up.

Ok, so out with it, already

This post was originally written on 10/13/11.

Well, here I am, on the verge of making a big decision.  Shall I be real?  Or shall I continue the write only on the fringe of my life?  My biggest fear is that someone I know will find this and learn the truth, but isn't that what I really want, the truth to be known?  Ultimately, I think my fear is reasonable at worst and probably wise at minimum.  All I need is for some future potential employer to be amazing at tracking down a candidate's internet footprint and getting the impression I'm pyscho or to have family members learn of things that should have been discussed in person and not shared with the abyss that is the internets!

At the same time, however, there is this inner drive to be able to communicate the reality I do not share with people in my life.  It's like a shameful diary that you sort of want people to read, but not really... does that make sense?

The need to communicate this reality is what I feel may keep me sane.  After all, isn't the contrary like living in solitude?  That typically doesn't end well, right?  Especially after any length of time?  I am not a prisoner, why should I live and feel like one?

All right so here's the skinny:

I love and hate my husband
    1. I've been to a family law attorney 4 times to start the divorce process
    2. I've created a list of "must haves" in our relationship in order for me to continue the marriage
    3. I think he has ADHD - in a big way, mind you... not just a little bit, like ruin your life ADHD.
    4. If he does not have ADHD, I hope there is some other medical/psychological explanation other than how it seems on the surface which would mean he's irresponsible, lazy and incredibly self-centered, and can't possibly really love me
    5. If he does not have ADHD or some other medical/psychological explanation,  that means I'm the biggest co-dependent idiot ever
But here's the problem; I love my husband. I would pay (almost) any amount of money to have him "get it" and start acting the way a real husband and partner should.