This dream was set in a theater or in an auditorium of sorts. I was apparently either auditioning for a vocal part or was involved in some sort of vocal competition. I was sitting in the audience among many others getting ready for our names to be called, walk up on stage and perform. Sitting with me on my left was my "vocal coach" and on my right was my good friend growing up, Tonia. First, let me mention I don't have nor will I ever have a vocal coach since I am not a singer. I did, however, get introduced to playing the piano from Tonia and eventually went to college where I was music major, but my instrument was percussion. I'm wondering if that's how those pieces somehow fit together.
So just as things are about to begin, my coach hands me sheet music for what he wants me to perform that day. As I am looking at the paper, in my dream I take notice the composer's name and some weird bubble chart looking stuff on a subsequent page. I began to panic telling my coach I've never heard of this song before, how on earth am I going to perform this, and what the hell are these bubbles for? While I'm panicing, somehow I manage to loose track of this music in the mix of all sorts of other pieces of sheet music I am apparently carrying around with me. It's at this point I ask my friend Tonia to help me find it. Unfortunately, the only thing I can sort of remember to help her help me is a vague idea of what the composers name is in the upper left corner of the sheet music.
I eventually awoke, pulse racing and breathing a little heavy, but thank goodness I woke up before my name was called to perform!
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