Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Job/New Office dream

This dream was also quite unsettling. I was in a brand new office building with many of my former co-workers of past jobs. Most prominently were people from a company where I worked for about 6 years. We were all very excited to be in this new building with so many high tech work stations and gadgets around.

If was sort of like a free for all where people just choose any spot they wanted, sat down and begin to work. I recall sitting down in one work station, ready to get started when I realized I didn't have anything necessarily to do! I would then get up and walk around to try to find out from someone what I should be doing. This search for instruction was unsuccessful so I decided to return to my desk and just try to look busy. Upon returning to my desk, I found somebody else had moved into my spot and I had to go find a new one.

This probably happened two or three times during my dream before I woke up.

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