From the moment my husband and I decided we wanted to try to get pregnant, I began my quest for pregnancy knowledge. For anyone who knows me, it wont surprise you to hear I had already read through the entire "What to Expect when you are Expecting" book before I was expecting. I'm all about planning ahead and having no surprises, but it's amazing how no matter how much or what you read, you can't possibly plan for it all.
Not to mention, information found on the internet is a blessing and a curse all at the same time. Never before have we had the ability to have some much information at our fingertips, however the quandary now is how valid/accurate is that information? What you read on the internet does not come with a sensitivity filter either, so things a practitioner or expert may communicate as things to monitor or be aware of, translate in internet language as the sky is falling!
As such, there are a handful of pregnancy sites I am currently using for my main sources of information that I've found to be a little less dramatic for me.
My more serious information gathering sources are:
March of Dimes
American Pregnancy Association
My fun sites are:
Now that I'm almost 10 weeks in to this journey, a lot of the information I have read has been helpful and entertaining. One item that I found a little hard to believe at first was how pregnant women tend to have very vivid dreams. After having some crazy, feels so real, sweating and screaming type dreams, I'm more of a believer. These dreams, as I have read, seem to be accounted for by the change hormones however other experts say these dreams help us sort through potential mixed emotions during our pregnancy and commonly they too have phases that coincide with our trimesters.
Please check out this link for more details. I couldn't possibly say it any better.
Assuming I can remember enough of them, I would like to share them as I progress through my trimesters and see what the internet tells me is going on in my head!
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