Thursday, April 22, 2010

Emu ride

Here's a dream that seemed to be a two parter. It all started out with myself and another person trying to get to a school building that was part of a college campus, however it was mixed in with the city, so businesses, school buildings and streets were all mixed together.

I remember feeling anxiety as I had only just a moment to glance at a physical map to identify where I was currently located and also pinpoint where was the building I was trying to reach. I knew roughly in what direction and the street name where a "star" labeled my destination and that was it. Also given this was a school building, the sense of being late for class was also a prominent feeling. So off I was along with one of those non-descript friends you sometimes have with you in dreams. We were running through streets, up and down escalators and in and out of cars before we stumbled upon an emu farm in an open field portion of the city. Only in my dreams, right?

Of course these emu's were for renting as transportation, and only for $10.00 - what a deal! I rode my emu away thinking I would surely make it to class on time now. This is where the 2nd part of the dream kicks in. I no longer was on my way to this building, but somehow I was now inside a small apartment with two females near my age who were, for the most part, strangers. My sense was I had picked them up along my travels with my emu, which by the way did I mention was pregnant in my dream as well as myself too.

While inside the apartment, girl #1 was in the kitchen preparing something and I was sitting on a bed or a sofa (something super comfortable and loungy) with Girl #2 and my emu. This is where things got scary. Girl #2 was loading up a syringe with what I assumed to be heroin (not sure why a hard drug is in this dream) and for whatever reason she was going to inject my emu with it. As shocked as I was, I yelled that the emu was pregnant and she shouldn't do that, but it fell on psycho drug addict ears and of course a struggle between myself and Girl #2 ensued where I'm desperately trying to keep her from drugging my emu.

I awoke in mid struggle with sweat soaked pajamas and an elevated heart rate. It felt so real!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Job/New Office dream

This dream was also quite unsettling. I was in a brand new office building with many of my former co-workers of past jobs. Most prominently were people from a company where I worked for about 6 years. We were all very excited to be in this new building with so many high tech work stations and gadgets around.

If was sort of like a free for all where people just choose any spot they wanted, sat down and begin to work. I recall sitting down in one work station, ready to get started when I realized I didn't have anything necessarily to do! I would then get up and walk around to try to find out from someone what I should be doing. This search for instruction was unsuccessful so I decided to return to my desk and just try to look busy. Upon returning to my desk, I found somebody else had moved into my spot and I had to go find a new one.

This probably happened two or three times during my dream before I woke up.

Vocal Performance dream

This dream was set in a theater or in an auditorium of sorts. I was apparently either auditioning for a vocal part or was involved in some sort of vocal competition. I was sitting in the audience among many others getting ready for our names to be called, walk up on stage and perform. Sitting with me on my left was my "vocal coach" and on my right was my good friend growing up, Tonia. First, let me mention I don't have nor will I ever have a vocal coach since I am not a singer. I did, however, get introduced to playing the piano from Tonia and eventually went to college where I was music major, but my instrument was percussion. I'm wondering if that's how those pieces somehow fit together.

So just as things are about to begin, my coach hands me sheet music for what he wants me to perform that day. As I am looking at the paper, in my dream I take notice the composer's name and some weird bubble chart looking stuff on a subsequent page. I began to panic telling my coach I've never heard of this song before, how on earth am I going to perform this, and what the hell are these bubbles for? While I'm panicing, somehow I manage to loose track of this music in the mix of all sorts of other pieces of sheet music I am apparently carrying around with me. It's at this point I ask my friend Tonia to help me find it. Unfortunately, the only thing I can sort of remember to help her help me is a vague idea of what the composers name is in the upper left corner of the sheet music.

I eventually awoke, pulse racing and breathing a little heavy, but thank goodness I woke up before my name was called to perform!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


From the moment my husband and I decided we wanted to try to get pregnant, I began my quest for pregnancy knowledge. For anyone who knows me, it wont surprise you to hear I had already read through the entire "What to Expect when you are Expecting" book before I was expecting. I'm all about planning ahead and having no surprises, but it's amazing how no matter how much or what you read, you can't possibly plan for it all.
Not to mention, information found on the internet is a blessing and a curse all at the same time. Never before have we had the ability to have some much information at our fingertips, however the quandary now is how valid/accurate is that information? What you read on the internet does not come with a sensitivity filter either, so things a practitioner or expert may communicate as things to monitor or be aware of, translate in internet language as the sky is falling!
As such, there are a handful of pregnancy sites I am currently using for my main sources of information that I've found to be a little less dramatic for me.

My more serious information gathering sources are:
March of Dimes
American Pregnancy Association

My fun sites are:

Now that I'm almost 10 weeks in to this journey, a lot of the information I have read has been helpful and entertaining. One item that I found a little hard to believe at first was how pregnant women tend to have very vivid dreams. After having some crazy, feels so real, sweating and screaming type dreams, I'm more of a believer. These dreams, as I have read, seem to be accounted for by the change hormones however other experts say these dreams help us sort through potential mixed emotions during our pregnancy and commonly they too have phases that coincide with our trimesters.

Please check out this link for more details. I couldn't possibly say it any better.

Assuming I can remember enough of them, I would like to share them as I progress through my trimesters and see what the internet tells me is going on in my head!