Saturday, April 20, 2019

Easter Eve

This just might be my most hated holiday.  Today is really solidifying my disdain.

So this time two years ago, my boyfriend was rekindling his relationship with his ex wife, while telling me he just needed some time to figure out why he was having a hard time committing to me.  I didn't find out what was really going on until a year and a half later and after I had moved in with him.  I found out just weeks before my father got really sick and decided he didn't want to continue on with dialysis anymore.  Effectively, he was ready to end his life.

The timing of this couldn't have been anymore difficult for me.  What do I do?  I just moved in?  I can't possible tell my dad about all of this while he's looking for me to be strong enough to let him go.

It's all still very difficult for me to deal with and I'm only seeming to handle it by avoiding feeling about it as much as I possibly can.

So let's fast forward to today.  I just got home from a work trip, which I thought went as smoothly as it ever has between my boyfriend and I.  I was really excited to come home and see him.  I thought he was excited to see me too.  The first night went fine, however, today he had to get up early and go to work.  Right off the bat our first communications were really labored.  I'm not sure what happened, honestly.  It was like a switch flipped.  Since then he's been so indifferent to me, not holding my hand, not looking in my direction, not conversing with me unless I converse with him.

I've asked him multiple times what is going on and I just get the "Im tired" response, however, he only seem too tired to talk to or show affection to me.  Everyone else is getting his attention and his affection.

Could he be texting someone else right now?
What the actual fuck is going on?

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