February came with some bumps and bruises. I know that you texted Kate shortly after or even during an evening where I was super unhappy, we were arguing and I was piss drunk.
If you are wondering who Kate is; it's my boyfriend's ex girlfriend. The one who was 24 years old while he was 36/37...It's also the girlfriend that he took to Florida with his entire family, rode horses with with Heidi. Its the girlfriend he had move into his home after only dating her for weeks?!
It took him 2 years of dating me to ask me to move in. It's the girlfriend Riley seemed to really take a liking to.
You deleted this text conversation out of your phone, but not from your watch, which is why I know it happened. Why are you deleting it, what are you hiding from me? What was the full conversation? This happened in early February. Why haven't you blocked her on your phone? Why do you continue to stay in touch with her? I want you to delete all your pictures from your phone and iCloud of her. She's in her underwear in most of them. Do you still look at them from time to time? Please delete her contact from your account/phone.
Also, I found her on Facebook and Instagram, now I know exactly who she is. She likely is the person who created the arm band tattoos that had your kids names in them. While we were in Mexico, you mentioned getting a tattoo again, which was after the texting conversation I know you had with her. Is that a coincidence? She's also a tattoo artist, which is why I asked who you would have do it... your answer, "I don't know"... yes you do. Boy that felt super shitty to have to think of you thinking of her on our vacation.
While we were in Mexico in early March, we did have a nice time. You asked me about engagement rings, which is a huge step in the right direction, but sometimes I wonder if you are just killing time until life presents you with a different choice. Because you don't seem to actually go after what you want in life. You let life happen to you. I'm growing weary. There's so much I love about you, but so much I don't understand, and not sure I can deal with for the rest of my life. How can you see me in emotional pain and just walk away? Is that acceptable in your mind to leave me hurting without a word of acknowledgment? Plus with all of this secrecy and Kate bullshit, I'm at a loss as to what you are really up to. This doesn't feel good any more.