Friday, May 16, 2014


Sometimes when somebody gives you feedback and it seems isolated, you can shrug it off pretty easily and consider their opinion just that... their opinion.  However, when you hear similar feedback from more than a couple sources, you have to stop and take inventory over what is being said.

So I've recently received feedback on three different occasions from three different sources that I have built up "walls".  Be they emotional, physical, what-have-you; apparently I have "walls".

I guess in retrospect and after a little bit of soul searching, I feel like I can now see this as empirical evidence.

I am learning the mechanics of these walls, and although they feel like a protective shield, they are actually sabotaging my potential for complete fulfillment.  I'm creating barriers to my own happiness by not letting people get too close to me for fear they may cause the anguish of which I am still feeling victim.

I'm struggling with showing and being vulnerable.  In the past it's done nothing but open the door to less than stellar outcomes.  How do I not reserve a corner of my being where I know, no matter what, I will be able to carry on all by myself?  Is it healthy to do so? I want to trust, to let go, to give myself entirely and have faith the outcome will be positive.