Thursday, November 21, 2013

Pre-Thanksgiving Thanks


I am on the eve of taking my son to Florida for the first time for a Thanksgiving vacation.   This will be his first introduction to Walt Disney world.  I have been planning this vacation for nearly 7 months and tomorrow at 2:50 pm, our flight will leave the ever growing chill of Vermont for some temperatures in the 70's and 80's.  My packing for this trip began about a week ago, in true DingosMom form and I feel as though I have all my I's dotted and T's crossed.  I have even included my son's Mickey Mouse Halloween costume that he has been wearing religiously ever since the Saturday before Halloween.

Given the excitement of a destination Thanksgiving, I thought I would take a moment, in advance, to observe and share what I am most thankful for this year.

I am Thankful for:
  1. My Son - I cannot imagine my life without this little boy who constantly is learning and growing.  Everyday I see him evolving into a little man gathering the tactical and emotional knowledge of how to become the best loving, caring, independent little person he can be.
  2. My Family - may they continue to be strong (healthy) and in good spirits though I am unable to share this holiday with them.
  3. My Job - It provides me with never ending challenges, personal/professional growth opportunities, personal/professional rewards, and the means to have choices in life many others are not afforded.
  4. My home - There is security in knowing you always have a safe place to come to at the end of the day to cook a meal, read a book, relax and make your own.  I'm so thankful for being a home-owner.
  5. Food - I'm thankful for the food I'm able to nourish myself and my son with, learning the value of organic food and healthy preparation.
  6. My Son's Father - I am thankful that my son has a father who loves him and wants the best for him.
  7. Unconditional Love - I'm thankful for the opportunity to feel and give love unconditionally to my family.
I could go on and on as I feel incredibly blessed.  May everyone this Thanksgiving season, take a moment and do a personal inventory on what ways they are blessed too.