2013 proves to be an unwieldy bitch so far.
Yeah, I said it. I suppose I should be at the point where I've learned that life is a bitch...and then you die... Right? That's how that saying goes, I believe.
Anyway, all sarcasm aside, it has been a bit bumpy with my parents' health issues. I think both of them have already had 3 independent visits to the hospital with accompanying multi-overnight stays. At one point they were both in the hospital at the same time. This is the portion of my Mid-Life when I should be acknowledging they are mortal. I know they are, but it still sucks to see them age so quickly.
In other news, I've done a little online dating here and there. I started out on http://www.christianmingle.com/ and unless you are super serious about religion, please avoid this site. It was just all wrong for me. I assumed a site like this would weed out the psychos, but I was sorely mistaken. In fact I met in person one man I had been talking online to for months only to find out on our second date, he was on the SOR. YIKES! Most recently, I've tried Okcupid.com and things seem to be going well.
I've quit smoking again (hard to admit I even started back up, but I had). Now with the support and help of my co-workers, I'm getting more fitness in my life. Time to get in shape.