Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Day 25 Post Op

I couldn't be happier with my augmentation!  Doesn't look like Blogger likes the previous pictures I posted.  I guess I'll need to cover myself going forward ;-)

As I planned, the winter time is the perfect time to get the procedure done.  Big bulky sweatshirts and sweaters have been the perfect cover to slowly introduced my new breasts to the world!

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Breast augmentation day 1

Breast augmentation  day I

I am really pleased with the size I chose. 
355 cc.

After arriving home around 5 pm,  I didn’t keep up very
well with the ice packs and my right one is significantly more swollen than the left. The pain was pretty intense, but today,  I’m feeling much better

Post op evening.  You can see one has swelled more than the other.  I suspect it’s because I used my right arm hand more that I should have when we got home.

I’m going out in public for the first time later today and we will see how that goes.